Interview zum Forschungsprojekt Crisis Communication Scorecard

By: Elena Gebel / 02.06.11

Ob Naturkatastrophen, Pandemien oder Terroranschläge - in solchen Krisensituationen ist für die zuständigen öffentlichen Einrichtungen die effiziente Krisenkommunikation mit ihren wichtigsten Bezugsgruppen von enormer Bedeutung.

Ein internationales Forschungsteam hat mit der Crisis Communication Scorecard einen Ansatz geliefert, um den Beitrag von Krisenkommunikation im Rahmen eines erfolgreichen Krisenmanagements zu erfassen und zu verbessern. sprach mit Marita Vos, der Koordinatorin des EU-geförderten Projekts. Mrs. Vos, why did you decide to conduct research in the field of measurement of crisis communication?

Marita Vos: Earlier I had published a scorecard for communication management and we wanted to utilize that experience in the field of emergency management. Another aim was to clarify the added value of communication in this field. The international project proposal was selected for subsidy by the European Commission. How did you develop the Crisis Communication Scorecard? What theoretical framework and empirical research is it based on?

Marita Vos: Four research teams were involved, from Norway, Estonia, Israel and Finland. We made a meta-analysis of best practices in the literature, investigated gaps experienced by professionals working in various countries, and added empirical reseach into message strategies. The measurement tool built on the CERC model developed by e.g. Reynolds and Seeger, while also Kaplan & Norton [Balanced Scorecard] were an inspiration for the framework of the crisis communication scorecard. What are the key facts about the Crisis Communication Scorecard?

Marita Vos: The tool is meant for organizations in Europe that are active in emergency and disaster management, mainly governmental organizations and NGOs. It consists of performance indicators for the phases before, during and after a crisis, and relates this to stakeholdergroups of citizens, the media and the network of response organizations. It clarifies what communication contributes to crisis management, and helps to improve this added value. How can the Crisis Communication Scorecard be implemented in an organization?

Marita Vos: The Crisis Communication Scorecard can be used to test crisis communication preparedness, evaluate exercises and afterwards analyse cases to gain leassons learned. It can be used by consultancies and communication experts of organizations. The website provides an online questionnaire and many other free background materials. It is a tool for organizational learning to make organizations better prepared for emergencies. Thank you for the interview!

Über Marita Vos

Marita Vos ist Professorin für Organisationskommunikation und PR an der Universität Jyväskylä (Finnland). Ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte umfassen die Bereiche Kommunikations-Controlling, öffentliche Wahrnehmung und internationales Kommunikationsmanagement. Vos hat praktische Erfahrungen als Kommunikationsmanagerin und -beraterin, spezialisiert auf Positionierung von Unternehmen und Change Communication. Sie ist Autorin mehrerer Bücher zum Themenfeld Kommunikationsmanagement.

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