The DPRG/ICV framework for communication controlling
In collaboration with the International Controller Association (ICV), the German Public Relations Association (DPRG) 2009 agreed on a common reference for communication controlling: The "DPRG/ICV framework for communication controlling" serves as a guideline for both professional associations and has now been adopted by industry and other organizations (e.g. Kommunikationsverband / Association of Communications Professionals in Germany). Based on levels of impact, tangible measurement ranges and performance indicators, the framework highlights the impact of communication processes on corporate value creation.
Advancing standardization
The DPRG/ICV framework takes the impact models used to date in communication management, PR and marketing communications and introduces a terminology that enables classification and interaction of various approaches to communication controlling. It modifies and refines past representations of communication impacts (cf. Lindenmann 2003; Macnamara 2005; Pfannenberg/Zerfaß 2005; Watson/Noble 2007: 81 ff.) that operate using distinctions such as output, outtake, outgrowth, outcome and outflow, but differ in how they use those terms. The individual impact dimensions are explained in greater detail in the "Levels of impact and evaluation" section at
Standardization options in strategic communication controlling have not yet been used to their full potential. That process will take place in the course of the coming years. For the time being, however, the impact levels introduced in DPRG/ICV framework are a good consensus and more solid basis for analyzing communication success and enhancing efficiency. For a more in-depth understanding, see Rolke/Zerfaß 2010.
Lindenmann, Walter (2003): Guidelines for Measuring the Effectiveness of PR Programs and Activities. Gainesville (FL): IPR. (PDF)
Macnamara, Jim (2005): Public Relations Handbook. 5. Auflage. Broadway, N.S.W.: Archipelago Press.
Watson, Tom/Noble, Paul (2007): Evaluating Public Relations. 2. Auflage. London: Kogan Page.
Pfannenberg, Jörg/Zerfaß, Ansgar (2005): Wertschöpfung durch Kommunikation: Thesenpapier der DPRG zum strategischen Kommunikations-Controlling in Unternehmen und Institutionen. In: Pfannenberg, Jörg/Zerfaß, Ansgar (Eds.): Wertschöpfung durch Kommunikation. Frankfurt am Main: Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch, pp 184–198.
Rolke, Lothar/Zerfaß, Ansgar (2010): Wirkungsdimensionen der Kommunikation: Ressourceneinsatz und Wertschöpfung im DPRG/ICV-Bezugsrahmen. In: Jörg Pfannenberg, Ansgar Zerfaß (Eds.): Wertschöpfung durch Kommunikation. Kommunikations-Controlling in der Unternehmenspraxis. Frankfurt/Main: Frankfurter Allgemeine Buch, pp 50-60.